Showing posts with label Tips & Tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips & Tricks. Show all posts

Sunday, 23 May 2021

MS Word Font Size



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Size of your alphabets can changed to your desire. The most appropriate sizes for texts are in the range 12-18
Sizes are varied to make a point stand-out so that reader cannot miss it or to hide a necessary but irrelevant information to the reader; information such as citations references trademarks etc.
Shortcut Key:
Ctrl + Shift + P
Note: There are buttons adjacent to size dropdown menu that lets you instantly increase & decrease text size by 2 point per click.

Sunday, 4 April 2021

MS Word Change Case


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MS Word Tips & Tricks Shortcuts


It can be used to change the case of alphabet i.e., it can help you change the alphabet to either capital & small by simply selecting alphabet or word or sentences. 

There are 5 options available:

Sentence Case:

Changes to suitable case by changing all letters to lower case except the first letter after every period and such instances where the letter needs to be lower or upper case.


Changes all the letters to lower cases (small letters), regardless of sentence beginnings or grammar. 


Changes all the letters to upper cases (CAPITAL LETTERS), regardless of sentence beginnings or grammar.

Capitalize Each Word:

First Letter Of Each Word Will Be Capitalized. 


This will interchange all the letters, i.e. all small letters will become capital and all capital letters will become small. fOR EXAMPLE: i AM sUYASH gUPTA


This is widely used to format articles and letters by a single click, so as to avoid mistakes. In some cases, there is need to highlight text where Uppercase is used most. This helps you in changing font’s case without having to re-type it in desired font case.

Shortcut Key:

Shift + F3 (This Will toggle between cases)

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Branding by Hashtag..!

It’s highly unlikely to search on Google for something and come up with “No Results Found”.  It happened to me. I searched for hashtag of my not so famous blog called Its Diversified (

Well! It had been a year since I’d been operating a blog via Blogspot. I’d been on & off, having no consistency with posting timeline I never got much views. The more I explored the more I got fascinated and interested. As any other writer I wanted my words to reach more and more readers. So, I shared my posts a lot then one day it hit me, why not try to brand it. Using all those hashtags while posting on SNSs (Social Networking Sites) I realized I could brand my blog with a certain hashtag of its own. As first instinct I went and searched for #itsdiversified on google luckily enough I found it to be dead as google showed no result for search & same thing happened on all SNSs (Twitter, Facebook, G+ LinkedIn, Instagram & Pinterest) so didn’t had to look any further.

This was a huge breakthrough for me cause now in a way I get to own a hashtag as no one currently uses this (#itsdiversified) hashtag so when the only posts in relevant searches  would lead directly to me and my content on blog. Currently the hashtag is still not used by any other people but I am working and its promotion cause once it become trending and people start using it then it would mount to branding of blog. Phrase “Its diversified” also happens to be a phrase that could be commonly used by people if it were to be a noun it would have been a lot harder to promote it (But not impossible). #itsdiversified could be used in all sorts of posts tagging all I have to do is promote it in a way that people start taking it into a notice and start using it if they feel its need. If #itsdiversified becomes trending enough then as being its base brick it would increase my blogs visibility, because being all initial posts of #itsdiversified linking to me and my blog google has learnt to prioritize my posts. This could be understood as teaching Google (Its worms) to direct themselves at my posts when & if #itsdiversified is searched.

Similarly creating and owning a hashtag could help you in branding. No matter what business or start-up you have what product you are selling or if you are profiling yourself, hashtag building would help a lot. From my point of view Hashtag creating & building is one the best branding techniques if it happens to pan out. As I have never seen branding by hashtag creating I cannot certify it as a commonly used or verified method of branding. I had an idea for promotion of my business (In this case my blog) and worked on it.

It doesn’t take a genius to understand that what I am saying makes sense even though you’re reading it for the first time that if a hashtag is created by you and becomes trending you would definitely get traffic. Besides out of all the hashtags you use do you know anyone who ever could certify that he/she is the creator of it or he/she posted the first post on internet. I mean if someone came up to you and say I was the first person to use #awesome on whole internet your first response would be “Yeah Right!” wouldn’t it. But in case of #itsdiversified I can easily certify it. As I kept track of my progress and made a video in which you would find the complete timeline of how I created #itsdiversified and initial results of google and all SNS that I searched. But don’t take my word for it, you can search for yourself on google and realize that results on it directs to me and my blog. Moreover you can search on any of the social networking sit (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn etc.) for #itsdiversified and you would find top posts linking to me and my business (Blog). Though this method of branding by hashtag creation is not acknowledged by any of public figures I (a small blogger) could state for a fact that I have observed a certain amount of hike in viewers of my blog. 

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Net Connectivity Assessment

Net connectivity is one of the most frequently faced problems by the users, whether it's related to strength / speed of the network or connection to the server itself.

There are times when the speed is slow so many of general users go to online speed test sites but that's all well and fine when you have a nice connection up and running but when connection goes down.. Well! Then you won't be able to open those speed test sites would you. Then your first instinct would be switch router/modem off and on and hope that it would work, but there are various problems related to net connectivity the best way to resolve is by identifying them and working on solving them accordingly. 

This is where Command Prompt kicks in....this is the best tool that has been inbuilt in the system and thee best part about it is that it works on basic level. It communicates directly to the hardware and its users.

So now lets see how can we exercise this inbuilt tool to our benefits, say we have connection problem and it's either very slow or limited access or might even have no access, the only thing we know is it isn't working like it should even when we tried eternal resolving technique of switching off and back on modem. So we move towards identifying the problem through Command Prompt.

First we check if the hardware of the system is working properly or not. 

The way to check the functionality of your own hardware is to make it ping itself i.e., the hardware is sending a packet to itself and receiving it. It's like we need to check if both our hands are working or not so we give a packet from one hand to another if the packet is given properly the first hand is working and if received properly the second hand is working properly, in this case the two hands a system are sender and receiver. If these two work properly that means our hardware is working just fine. This can be checked easily by single command.  

ping is always and always the IP Add. That points towards the hardware of the system, this is a default static universal IP Add. That does not change with change in system. Once you've used this command the set of information will be displayed. First notice the stats of the ping.... that is whether the packets sent is equal to packets received and if the time is less than 1ms. These condition are ideal and should be accurate to 0% loss of packets and the time in any case must be less or equal than 1ms, if not then your system's internal hardware isn't working properly.If this is all well and fine we move to next phase.

Ping Your Router/Modem 

 Once we have learned that there is nothing wrong with the hardware of the system we then ping our router. The by default add. Of our router is again this add is static for all hardware universally. So ping at this add. By simple command of


now we evaluate the stats presented to us. Check if there is a packet loss, if yes then connectivity is poor. There must not be any packet loss for connection to be stable. Next you check the avg. time which should be less than 10ms for it to work fast. However this will depend on your net plan you might see time in range of 0 - 50 ms. The more the avg time the less speed you're getting. Time ranging 0-1000ms will work fine knowing at 1000ms speed is slow but if avg. time is beyond then connection is way to poor. On the other hand if you see packet loss, that means there is unstable connection. So this forwards us to next step knowing which end isn't working properly.

Trace Your Packets

We know there is a loss of packets, but we don’t know where the packet got lost. So we use “tracert” command so trace the path of packet. So let’s try to connect to google and see where our packets go missing. The path is always the same in general manner. The packet will first go to host à to router à server of our network provider à server of the target àand will finally reaches the target. So this is how you use trace command

tracert google.comThis will generate the path through which the packet is going through. It will be complicated to notice which Ip Add. Belongs to who. All you need to understand is that your packet is missing before or after. If it is losing before the given add then the fault is on your end and if packet loses after the add. Then the fault is on your service provider’s end

Monday, 22 February 2016

Creating Wireless HotSpot Connection To Connect Multiple Devices

Many of those people who like LAN Gaming need to use this feature a lot, The  best way is to use proper LAN cable. Though connection through cable is fastest when exchanging/sharing files but when you wish to connect more then one devices cable is not as much easily achievable as connecting through a wireless network. This wireless network was set up by using Windows 7 default app named AdHoc. but since upgrades Windows has removed that Adhoc. So now we have to get in depth a bit and create the wireless network. It is Same thing as Adhoc he only difference is now we will change settings of network instead of program named Adhoc used to do it.

When we setup Adhoc it asked us assign a name of network and it's key and then it did all and we would get network up and running, Since AdHoc is removed by Windows("I don't know why") we do this by ourselves.

Procedure To Create Wireless Network

1.Opening Command Prompt In Admin. Mode

Press Windows Sign On Keyboard
Goto Search Menu
Type CMD
Right-Click On CMD app And Choose " Run As Administrator" 

2.Setting A Hosted Network

Type The Following Line in Command Prompt
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=ASSIGN-NAME key=ASSIGN-PASSWORD
The Above Line Will Setup A Hosted Network

3.Starting A Hosted Network

Once The Network Is Setup We Now Need To Start That Network By Below Command 
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
This Will Start Your Network 
Now Simply Login To This Network From Any Other Device and You're Connected

4.Stopping A Hosted Network

Once There is No Use Of Network You Can Terminate It By Following Command 
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork