In this Information age Social Media Marketing is one of the best marketing techniques that yields the best targeted results. If at the very least you convert 100 Leads Easy from SMM, It’s better than anything else.
Through SMM you reach the audience that are more likely to render your services or use your product. You reach those people who take interest in what your business is about.
Better than Brochure Marketing & Paper Marketing
1. Brochure reaches a lot of unrelated clients.
2. Costing per converted client is a lot more.
3. No Reports can be established to strategies your marketing techniques and realize the results.
4. This marketing is limited by geography. i.e. you can only reach people of a selected region. With every added region costing rises.
5. No self marketing. Only 1% of brochures or any other printed content is passed on to others by the receiver
Better than Television Marketing & Radio Marketing
1. Costing is a lot high as compared to Social Media Marketing.
2. Not all potential clients are reached.
3. Factors like Channels & Time of advertisement fluctuate the amount of viewers/listeners drastically.
4. 15-70% rate of Self marketing. F
or 70% your Ad’s should be a lot more engaging that a user might/would actually record and share on Youtube. And those kind of Ad’s costs measurably more than Social Media Marketing.
Benefits of Social Media Marketing
1. Reach only those who are your potential clients.
2. 80-100% self marketing, every like/share/re-tweet notifies the entire circle of the person who liked/shared/re-tweeted your post.
3. One potential client have friends/followers in his/her profile that share same interest. Reach one and you automatically reach at least 10 more.
4. Effective costing because you only pay to reach potential clients. And that exponentially increases percentage of leads.
5. Reaching a 100 who share your interest is way better than reaching 1000 who don’t.
Through SMM you reach the audience that are more likely to render your services or use your product. You reach those people who take interest in what your business is about.
Better than Brochure Marketing & Paper Marketing
1. Brochure reaches a lot of unrelated clients.
2. Costing per converted client is a lot more.
3. No Reports can be established to strategies your marketing techniques and realize the results.
4. This marketing is limited by geography. i.e. you can only reach people of a selected region. With every added region costing rises.
5. No self marketing. Only 1% of brochures or any other printed content is passed on to others by the receiver
Better than Television Marketing & Radio Marketing
1. Costing is a lot high as compared to Social Media Marketing.
2. Not all potential clients are reached.
3. Factors like Channels & Time of advertisement fluctuate the amount of viewers/listeners drastically.
4. 15-70% rate of Self marketing. F
or 70% your Ad’s should be a lot more engaging that a user might/would actually record and share on Youtube. And those kind of Ad’s costs measurably more than Social Media Marketing.
Benefits of Social Media Marketing
1. Reach only those who are your potential clients.
2. 80-100% self marketing, every like/share/re-tweet notifies the entire circle of the person who liked/shared/re-tweeted your post.
3. One potential client have friends/followers in his/her profile that share same interest. Reach one and you automatically reach at least 10 more.
4. Effective costing because you only pay to reach potential clients. And that exponentially increases percentage of leads.
5. Reaching a 100 who share your interest is way better than reaching 1000 who don’t.
What We Ensure to Clients
Audience Targeting
Reaching 100 People who cares about your product generates more buzz then reaching 1000 who don’t need your product. Every products appeals to different mind- set, it’s important to realize what you’re marketing for and who your potential clients are.
Absolute Hashing
Using hashing technique requires proper evaluation of content and knowledge of tags so as to target topics that relate viewers. This technique can make your content a lot more visible if used properly & invisible if not.
Brief Content
Once you’ve reached the targeted audience, it’s important to keep them focused. And the way to keep them focused is pouring the content that will draw the attention of reader.
Focused Blog Posts
After you’ve provided the brief and captured the attention of viewer then you need few Blog Posts. Blogs provide the detailed information to the reader/viewer who is interested in your product. This is essential to clarify all the doubt/quires in the mind of reader.
Time Assessment
Different people with different mind-set & occupation have different time slots when they come in interaction with media. It serves with knowing when to reach who. Right time at Right place.
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