Showing posts with label Einstein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Einstein. Show all posts

Tuesday 28 April 2015

What Is Science....!!!!!

What Is Science? Is it just a word that describes all the text that a book carry? Maybe it's a stuff what all those "so called" great scientists have ever written about? oh wait! it's the pure waste of life cause millions of those scientists devoted their life and accomplished nothing, all they got was failures and history doesn't even remember them.

"Give kid a book, and you change the world. In a way, even the universe." 

 Gandhi once said "Literacy is not the end of education nor even the beginning." That's what science is,it's education. Educating an year old kid on how to fight gravity and stand, how to use friction to walk and run,how to vibrate your vocal cord and make a sensible sound that a human can understand. Science is a religion without God or Messenger or saints or sinner. Science is freedom, freedom to challenge authority,freedom to make new rules instead of following older. Science is everything there is , ever was and ever will be. who we are humans or living beings or almighty ruler of the planet or even the universe ? we are nothing but Star Dust.

It is true many millions have died for science and we don't even know their names but none of them ever wasted their life. They all had their part and contribution to the society we live in. Einstein wouldn't have been who he was if it wasn't for the scientist before him. Science is too big for a single man to pursue on his own. Every so called FAILED scientist didn't died in vain, they told the world "we already walked this path and came back empty handed.Don't go this way find you will not find anything search another approach". Imagine would Einstein would have done all those thing he did if he had to do it from scratch one ? Every single failure revealed a truth a theory. Those failed scientist didn't failed once they just didn't had enough life to see their work through. 

The best thing about science is that you don't have to perfect, you don't have to have all the answers, you can stand on a ground where you can proudly say that its beyond my understanding. All science listens and bows to is reason. Science is one of the rarest and yet cheapest commodity that gives us certainty of things in this uncertain world.There was a time when great minds of world believed that the smallest particle is atom until came along a new theory of subatomic particles. Hell ! there was a time when people believed that sun revolves around the earth. Even today we speak of SUN RISING do we not? But with time and knowledge everything changed or to be more accurate everything evolved.

Science is a path of mysteries one clue leading up to another, it's the quest the thirst to find the reasons and explanations of how things work, how they behave what could the future effects of the actions,how we came to be where we are is their another world? if it is how similar would it be to ours where could be in this cosmos ? 

Science is script of questions that are yet to be answered, at the same time it is  the explanations of the things known to us.
Once you get the idea of science  you'll know that i could go on writing thousands of page and yet i wouldn't be able to describe all it's aspects

I remember few lines from couple of Shows , see if it makes sense ...
Knowledge is power, and power resides where we believe, it's like a game of shadows and even a small man can cast a very big shadow. And so it's said 
" Give Kid A Book And You Change The World "

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