Showing posts with label motorola. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motorola. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Google Might Knock Down Apple In Near Future

Apple Inc. already has taken a devastating hit on its economy in the previous quarter. While the stand of  Apple Inc. against FBI is ambiguous to Black & White, it sure as hell has transformed from fight to battle and the damages are bound to be dealt on either sides, unfortunately for Apple the timing s***s. Though Google is backing  Apple's stand but on the other side Google Projects are running somewhat smoothly. And lets not forget the fact that Apple is in the ring with Uncle Sam, The government which is paranoid and spends more on security then anything else so they are sure as hell not going down and if by some miracle they loose the fight they surely will bring Apple to it knees.

Google is bound to launch Project Ara in the vicinity of future. If successful, the project has the minerals to take the world of smartphone into a new "Era". Even though iPhone is popular device, but Project Ara will make every consumer consider their options. Apple Inc. currently has no such product coming in, They need another Steve Jobs if they wanna survive. Not only Apple, companies like Samsung, HTC etc. also might be at the verge annihilation. I mean come Project Ara is once in a life time buy which literally put the power of hardware selection in the hands of Customer

Sunday 8 March 2015

Project Ara...Would it be the last generation of smartphone??

In this age of information, electronics has changed the lifestyles of people around the globe, whether the change is for better or for worse could be a whole other reason for argument. From Desktops that took up a whole corner of a room to smartphone that sits in your pocket, the computing has seen a major revolutionary changes which evolved electronics  from time to time. Microsoft, Apple And Google had been the key players in the field of information. The Google's new PROJECT ARA is believed to create new levels of high. If launched perfectly this project could lead to massive change of course in the market of smartphone. This project seems to have the juice to run all the other smartphone companies out of business. With the recent accusation of MOTOROLA at 12.5 billion dollars and selling MOTOROLA to LENOVO in the end 2014 at  2.5 billion dollars Google made it pretty clear that it has kept all MOTOROLA'S patents, Patents that according to google worth for about 10 billion dollars. Motorola has been the pioneer in bringing dreams to reality, discoveries and inventions are made daily but Motorola has always found a way to practically implement those inventions and making them economically accessible so as to launch products successfully in market. Motorola launched first ever touchscreen phone in '95 so it is safe to say that Motorola did packed a punch when came to patents. Motorola was the one to announce Project Ara In 2013 and since then every company has been trying to get a piece of action in Project Ara so as to survive in the future of smartphone.

Project Ara is Concept to develop modular smartphones that could allow user to handpick the desired configuration for phone rather than to compromise on some levels. Such as some people don't feel the need to have camera in phone so they wouldn't have to pay for camera they can save money. More importantly Project Ara allows to upgrade your phone without having to buy a whole new piece, all you had to do is just buy a required chipset. After a year's use if you feel the need to upgrade RAM of Processor or anything you will not have to buy a whole new mobile all you have to spend on is what you want. Project Ara is believed to be in effect as of end of 2015. Prototypes has been successfully running since end of  2014.
If Project Ara comes out as good as it has been believed to it will change everything, now smartphone could be once in lifetime phone. It could be so affordable that everyone could buy it as per there need. You can buy a simple phone and modify it by high end components or just keep it simple. The choices of hardware will now be in your control. So is it safe to say that Project Ara could be the last Generation of Smartphone or I guess someday in future there could be a better project that might offer new capabilities to the consumer. Still Project Ara will be time stamp and the timeline of smartphone will be divided  in "Before Ara" and "After Ara".